St Mary’s School

St Mary’s Calne is a leading girls’ boarding and day school in the UK. Our aims are clear, focused and forward-thinking: we develop in young women the academic and moral strength for them to become bold, resourceful, well-balanced individuals who have the capacity to lead and shape our modern world. Moreover we aim to:

Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum with innovative teaching and learning and highly professional staff who aim to exceed the expectations of girls and parents, resulting in excellent academic outcomes for girls which go well beyond examination and which will motivate, challenge, encourage and inspire them.

Provide a first rate boarding experience and extra-curricular opportunities of great breadth and quality which will enable each girl to grow in experience, wisdom and understanding.

Remain single-sex and limit our numbers so that we can continue to provide a diverse range of personalised opportunities and an individually tailored education of the highest quality.

Focus on the individual development of every girl through an excellent 1:1 Tutor system and a highly supportive and warm pastoral environment and provide open and honest feedback at all times.

Recognise all kinds of achievement and success, including outstanding academic results, while placing value on effort and improvement throughout a girl’s time at the school so that girls have the confidence to strive for high standards.

Provide an excellent environment for living and learning, featuring modern, high-quality classroom, spaces, boarding house accommodation and other facilities, adapted to the changing needs of girls, and a day-to-day experience of the school for girls that reflects our aim of quality in all that we do.

Be an outward-facing organisation, valuing our networks, providing real public benefit to the community and giving our girls a sense of responsibility and service to others; be recognised for what we do so that we can build a culture of philanthropy to help us sustain our objectives.

Contact Details

St Mary’s School
SN11 0DF

01249 857200
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